Rahul Shrestha




👋Hey, I'm Rahul!

What do I do?





Completed projects so far :)

C#.NETMySQLGitTrelloZapierNextjsReactchakra-uiCSSLaTeXJavaSwingUISpring BootJDBC

Personal Task Manager

Developed a Personal Task Management System using C#, integrated with Trello API and MySQL for task automation and tracking, with Zapier-based task creation, error handling, and version control using Git. 



Spent the last few months creating a website that serves as a comprehensive directory for all the projects I've completed so far, as well as hosting my resume. The resume itself is created using a LaTeX template that I designed. 

JavaMySQLSwingUISpring BootJDBCGit

Bank Management System

One of my fun projects! Virtual Bank Management System.  


Built with Java and MySQL, this system provides a user-friendly platform for managing accounts, transactions, and customer data, utilizing Spring Framework and Hibernate for efficient ORM. JSON/XML facilitates seamless data exchange, while Git, Maven, and Gradle streamline collaborative development and project management. 


ARM Machines Instructions

An engaging university project involving complex Java-based GUI development. 


Features input fields for ARM mnemonic instructions, with encoding functionality to convert instructions into binary and hexadecimal formats, along with decoding capability. Ensured user-friendly interaction with validation for input conformity, clear error messaging, and separate display fields for encoded results. 


Email Administration Toolkit

Developed a Mail Administration project to reinforce OOP principles and other Java concepts, integrating MySQL for data management. 



A personal initiative to improve my skills in board representation, user interaction, and game logic through a Java-based side project. 

Contact Me

I'll get back to you as soon as I can!




Portfolio made by Rahul Shrestha | Github | Inspired by Samyok